Aug 5th, 2017


1)    New Justice Minister Yoko Kamikawa said Friday that the ministry is considering submitting a bill to lower Japan’s legal age of adulthood from 20 to 18 in the extraordinary Diet session likely be convened this fall.

2)   Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, seeking to repair his tattered approval ratings by reshuffling his cabinet, said Thursday he would focus on bread-and-butter issues such as jobs, a pledge he’s made in the past only to prioritize conservative issues such as amending the constitution.

3)   Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has indicated that he will let his party and the Diet decide the timeframe for his plan to submit a draft of constitutional amendment to the Diet. But some governing party members say Abe should not push forward the matter quickly at a time the rate of support for his cabinet is falling.

4)   Japanese business leaders have welcomed the new lineup. They say the incoming ministers have the experience to make policy, but insist much remains to be done.

Japan Business Federation Chairman Sadayuki Sakakibara told reporters that the new Cabinet needs to refocus on the economy.

He said business leaders want the new Cabinet to go back to the Abe administration’s top priorities: mounting an economic recovery and escaping deflation.

5)   North Korea has renewed its demand that the United States change its policy of hostility toward Pyongyang.

North Korea’s state-run media on Wednesday carried a statement issued by a spokesperson for the Korea Asia-Pacific Peace Committee. It serves as liaison between North Korea and South Korea.
6)   Japan has agreed to step up cooperation with India in developing the country’s strategically important northeastern region.

Government officials and representatives from both countries reached the agreement at a meeting in New Delhi on Thursday. It focuses on road building and other infrastructure projects.
7)   Mexico’s foreign secretary has indicated that his country could quit the North American Free Trade Agreement, or NAFTA, if upcoming renegotiations on the accord end up unfavorable to Mexico.

8)   US scientists say they have successfully corrected disease-causing genes in human embryos with genome editing technology.

Researchers from the Oregon Health and Science University, collaborating with other institutes, published their work in the British science journal Nature on Wednesday. It is the first report of genome editing on human embryos outside China.

9)   US President Donald Trump’s plan to limit the number of legal immigrants is drawing rebuke not only from the Democratic Party but also from some members of his own Republican Party.

Trump on Wednesday unveiled an immigration reform bill drafted by 2 Republican senators.

He says that many green card holders with permanent resident status are low-skilled workers and are depriving American workers of jobs.

10)   Some employees at an IT company in the US state of Wisconsin are having a microchip that contains personal information implanted in their hands.

The chip allows employees to open doors and log onto computers by simply waving their hand.
Workers can also buy products from in-house stores.


今日は涼しくて過ごしやすい。 気がつけば8月の1週目が終わろうとしている。びっくり。この間GWだったのに。いや、お正月も最近だった気がするのに。 ウィークデーは朝から晩までやること満載であっという間に一日終わる。土日も基本タスクは一緒だけど通勤や仕事がないので平日よりかなり余裕がある。 私は仕事でストレスを感じないタイプだけれど(そういう職種だし性格が雑だから)今週来週はちょっと注意の必要な処理をするので少し仕事で緊張している。 そのため今週は職場での時間もさらにあっという間に終わる。さっき出社したのに、ぎゃ、もうこんな時間帰らなければ、とびっくり。 昨日は母の鍼灸の訪問サービスの実態調査の書類を書いていて、このサービスを受け始めた日時という記入項目があり、記入したのは平成17年6月20日という日付であった。 あれからもう12年か!?とそれもまたびっくりした。。あの頃の私は今思うと若くて(気持ちも体も)体力があって、さらに一生懸命だったな。(遠い目)。。こうしてこれからの12年もあっという間にすぎてまた12年後同じようにびっくりするのだろう。いや、あまりびっくりするような変化がありませんように。



写真 2017-07-30 10 13 49



先週、家人の健康診断の結果が戻って来た。去年は中性脂肪がまさかの300超えでびっくり慌てたが、今年は毎日沼田の美味しい鯖干しを食べ続けてた効果があったのか無事範囲内に収まっていた。それ以外には何も努力してないのだから鯖干し効果なのか!?そうだとしたら青魚ってすごいなぁ。切らさず買い続ける事にしよう…。血糖値は微妙に高かった。家系的に糖尿病になりやすいので気をつけなければ。まさに要経過観察。肝臓の値も少し高いものがあったけれど、まぁ今年は要精密が付いていないからよしとしよう。身長が去年より伸びていた175.6cmで体重はちょっぴり減って体重56.8kgとか。これは普段は冬に健康診断なのだけど今年は年頭入院していたので半年ずれて夏だから体重が少なめなのだろうな。と家人が言っていた。この10年ずっと同じような体重だからこれもOK。全体的に今年は数値が良いみたいで一安心。HighLowの赤いマークも2個だった。私の健康診断は来月お盆休み明けの日で職場の人たちが休み明けかーと嫌そうであった。断酒の効果は何日前から出るかな?というので調べて三週間くらい前に止めたらいいみたいですよと伝えると、あーそれは無理だろと言っていた^^ むしろ普段の状態で検査に臨むと前日の夜もガッツリ飲んでいた家人は潔かったか?(ん?)


土曜日は普段行き届かないあれこれ。草取り、床の水拭き(平日は掃除機のみだから)、お風呂掃除などなどをして(暑いから朝7時前までにはこれを終わらせている)、姉と産直へ。ようやくテニス中体連も終了し(県大会で甥っ子の学校は一回戦で瞬殺されたそう)いよいよW受験に向けてスタートだそうだ。甥っ子1号は家ではまったく勉強している姿を見ないそうだが塾やらカフェやら(今時だね)で集中して勉強しているらしく模試なども安定した成績らしい。2号は。。。これまでテニス三昧だったのでまずは勉強するという行為に慣れなければ!(えーそこから?)らしいが、さすがに本人も思うところがあるらしく、最近自ら内申を下げるような行為(いろんなことをやってた)は慎んでいるとのこと。^^  2号が家の近くの高校に行ってくれたら登下校時に寄ってくれたりするになぁと夢見てるが。。。。しかし学生さんは大変だ。大学生になっても私たちの時代とは違うようで、友達のお子さんたちは毎日結構な勉強量なのだそう。つい半年前は高校生だった子供たちが予想を超えた新しいチャレンジをしている話を聞くと感心感動する。




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July 29th, 2017

ヒアリのことでこれほど大騒ぎになっている日本が不思議らしい。^^ アメリカにはもっと危険生物がたくさんいそうだからなぁ。トランスジェンダーの軍入隊禁止の理由も知らなかったので興味深かった。

1)   A Malaysian court says it will begin on October 2nd the trial of 2 women accused of killing the estranged half-brother of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.

The two women have been indicted for killing Kim Jong Nam, who died after having his face smeared with the lethal VX nerve agent at Kuala Lumpur International Airport in February.
2)   NHK has learned that 12 cargo containers have been moved out of a port in Fukuoka City, western Japan, without being checked for venomous fire ants.

The alien species has been sighted at the city’s Hakata Port on a number of occasions. A worker was stung and slightly injured on Thursday.

3)   A survey in Japan shows that one in 6 women have suffered violence by their husbands or others but that most of the victims did not contact the police.
4)   Japan’s defense minister has been replaced, closing a chapter in a major cover-up scandal.

It centers on the withholding of records on Japan’s former peacekeeping mission in South Sudan.

Tomomi Inada stepped down to take responsibility after an internal inspection found a series of violations.
5)   The leader of Japan’s largest opposition Democratic Party, Renho, has expressed her intention to resign from the post.

Party sources say she told people close to her on Thursday that she intends to step down as president in a bid to revamp the struggling party.
6)    People in Japan are marking the first anniversary of a mass killing at a care home for the disabled just outside Tokyo.

Former care worker Satoshi Uematsu stormed the facility in Sagamihara city last year in the early hours of July 26th, wielding a knife. He killed 19 people. 27 others suffered stabbing wounds.
7)   The US Senate has passed a bill to impose sanctions on Russia over its alleged interference in the 2016 US presidential election.

Russia says it will seize some US diplomatic property in the country in retaliation for the passage of a new bill by the US Congress that imposes sanctions against Russia.
8)   US President Donald Trump has declared a ban on transgender people from serving in the US military, citing costs and other reasons. Democrats and human rights advocates have criticized the decision.

9)   Japanese government officials say the country’s unemployment rate in June stood at 2.8 percent.

That’s a 0.3-percentage-point improvement from the previous month.

The ratio of job offers to applicants rose to 1.51.
That means there were 151 job openings for every 100 people looking for work.

10)   The Japanese government has announced that it will impose a safeguard measure on frozen beef imports in order to protect domestic farmers.

Officials will apply higher tariffs on the products starting next month.

Duties on frozen beef imports from countries such as the US, New Zealand and Canada will be raised to 50 percent.

また今朝もお迎えに来たディサービスのスタッフの方に「昨日は大変申し訳ございませんでした」と謝罪されていた。母。どれほど激怒したのよ?^^ 昔はそんなことなかったのに、ここ数年些細なことで(と私は思うのだが)突然激昂するようになった気がする。これはやはり脳梗塞の後遺症なんだろうか。定期的に撮っているCTではドクターは変化ありませんよ。というので単なる老化のせいか。私に対しても時折そんな感じで階下の騒ぎを3Fでこっそり聞いている(らしい)家人が笑いながら「お疲れ」と労ってくれるようになった。しかし、姉にそれらを言うと、ん?昔からそういう人だったと言う。姉が知る母と私が知る母は少しズレがあるな。

写真 2017-07-26 14 22 27




ディサービスから帰って来た母を迎え入れるとまたスタッフの方からお話が。。。と。今度は何だろうと思ったら、母がスタッフの人に激怒したそうで、大変ご不快な思いをさせてしまい申し訳ございませんでした。今後このようなことがないように気をつけますので。。。とのことだった。いつも決まった時間にトイレへの声かけをしてもらっているようなのだが昨日はその時間にも声をかけてもらえず、それから30分くらいして帰る時間になる頃ようやく声をかけてくれたらしい。「もう帰る時間に!だよ!」とそれで母は頭にきたらしい。「トイレその間ずっと我慢していたの?」それは気の毒だと思って母に尋ねたら、「トイレに行きたかったわけじゃなくて、いつも掛けてもらえる声をかけてもらえなかったの!」と怒っている。うむむ。いまいち共感できないが、自分のルールから外れたからかな。まぁ母にはこういうところがあるな。。。誰かに怒るなんてエネルギーがあるからまぁいいとしよう。私に向けられた怒りだとちと困るが^^ スタッフの方には申し訳なかった。と連絡帳にはフォロー。



写真 2017-07-22 9 35 05


友人が自家製梅シロップを分けてくれたので、梅サイダーに。そして大分からも美味しいみかんジュース届く。冷たいものは体に悪いと分かっているが家にいると冷たいものしか体が欲してないぞ。母にはなるべく血や肉になりそうなものを盛り込んで作って食べてもらっているが自分は。。。Do what I say, not what I do.である。



July 22nd, 2017

1)   The United States will bar Americans from travelling to North Korea in the coming weeks, two travel agencies said Friday, a month after a U.S. tourist, student Otto Warmbier, died following his imprisonment by Pyongyang.

North Korea’s tourism agency has launched a website offering holiday options ranging from surfing to rice planting, despite strong U.S. warnings to avoid travel to a nation where several trips have ended in jail.

2)   Thief returns stolen bicycle, includes written apology and edible gift to say sorry

3)   A number of books aimed at teaching elementary school children about issues concerning the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community have been published recently in an effort to deepen understanding about sexual minorities in Japan.

4)   Chinese censors can’t bear Winnie the Pooh

5)   Sources close to the Defense Ministry say Minister Tomomi Inada was told about the existence of the activity logs in February and this fact was reported to the Inspector General’s Office of Legal Compliance in March.

6)   A pact that allows Japan to export its nuclear power technology to India for peaceful purposes has taken effect.

It entered into force after Japan’s Ambassador to India, Kenji Hiramatsu, and Indian Foreign Secretary S. Jaishankar exchanged documents in New Delhi on Thursday.

The deal, signed by both governments last November, also enables the countries to exchange know-how on nuclear materials and plant equipment.

7)   An association of Japanese Bitcoin exchanges is considering moving forward a plan to suspend transactions of the virtual currency.

It’s taking the step because of growing concerns over a possible sudden split of the Bitcoin system.

8)    Japan’s government will conduct tests of self-driving buses using the country’s version of a global positioning system. It hopes to use such vehicles during Tokyo’s Olympic and Paralympic Games in 2020.

The Cabinet Office says it will start the tests in the southwestern prefecture of Okinawa in November.

9)      The US Justice Department says it has taken down the biggest online black market for illegal goods and services.

Department officials said on Thursday that since its inception, AlphaBay serviced more than 200,000 users, who traded in illegal drugs, toxic chemicals, firearms and stolen identities.

10)   A pro-Russian separatist leader of a breakaway region in eastern Ukraine has proclaimed a new state.

The new state will be called Malorossiya, and its capital will be placed in Donetsk. He added that Malorossiya is consisted of all Ukraine territories except for Russian-annexed Crimea, and a new constitution is being drawn up for the country.

11)   US President Donald Trump faces uncertainty 6 months after his inauguration, as the overhaul of Obamacare has stalled and investigations continue into Russia’s possible meddling in last year’s election.

Trump summoned Republican senators to the White House on Wednesday to pressure them to pass a bill to repeal President Barack Obama’s health care program as early as possible. He said they shouldn’t leave Washington until the bill is enacted.

12)   Nobel Peace Prize laureate Malala Yousafzai has criticized China for its treatment of human rights activist and Peace Prize winner Liu Xiaobo, who died last week.July 22nd, 2017


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先週昼休みに買って職場の冷蔵庫にしまっておいたトマトを持って帰るのを忘れていたのを昨日は忘れずに持って帰 ってこれたので産直で買った夏野菜達と共にラタトゥユに。(ナス、セロリ、オクラ、玉ねぎ、緑と黄色のピーマン、エリンギ、バジル)大量に作ったのでしばし楽しめる。暖かい状態での昨日は前から家人が気になっていた蕎麦の実を茹でてそれに添えた。蕎麦の実って茹でるとプリプリむにゅみたいな感じで結構好きな食感だった。そこでようやく以前お蕎麦屋さんの「おかず」プレートでこれ食べたことあったなということを思い出した。^^食物繊維とビタミンBが豊富で脂肪も吸収しにくくなるというのを番組で見て以来家人が食べたがっていて、ネットで買おうと思ったらその時は売り切れ続出(同じ番組を見た人たちがたくさんいたのね)で買えなかったけれど(在庫があるお店は値段が高騰してたので買わなかった!)昨日は火曜日に仕事帰りに寄るスーパーで普通の値段で平積みで売っていた。でも実は私はクスクスの方が好きかな。あのプチプチした感じとソースを吸い込んだ味!ラブ!クスクスも探したけれどそのスーパーにはなかった。残念。





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July 15th, 2017


1)   The leader of the junior partner in Japan’s ruling coalition on Friday urged Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to focus on regaining public trust after a slide in his popularity, and said revising the pacifist constitution was not a priority for voters.

2)   A vice minister has given up using a chauffeured official car to take her child to daycare after drawing political flak following a media report, but some working mothers expressed sympathy for the 39-year-old lawmaker.

The Shukan Shincho weekly magazine accused Megumi Kaneko of “mixing up official and private matters” when it reported in late June that she had used an official vehicle to transport her 1-year-old son to his nursery.

3)   The operator of nuclear power plants in South Korea has decided to suspend work on 2 reactors.

Massive amounts of radiation-contaminated water that has been processed and stored in hundreds of tanks at the plant are slowing decommissioning work and are a safety risk in case another massive quake or tsunami strikes. TEPCO needs to release the water – which contains radioactive tritium that is not removable but considered not harmful in small amounts – into the Pacific Ocean,

4)   Researchers say large foreign longhorn beetles are spreading in Japan, causing serious damage to cherry, peach and other fruit trees.

The insect spends a few years within fruit trees such as cherry, peach and plum, eating the wood. Cutting down affected trees alone has not stopped the spread of the species.

Hundreds of highly poisonous fire ants have been found at the port of Yokohama, near Tokyo.

5)   Two Japanese firms have created a self-driving car that can deliver sushi to a hungry customer’s doorstep.

The ever-growing demand for home delivery has left many companies with a problem. They don’t have enough drivers to transport the goods.

6)   The Japanese government has compiled a plan to support domestic cheese makers who are facing increased competition from European products.

Japanese and European Union negotiators reached a broad agreement on an economic partnership agreement last week. Japan will create a quota for European soft cheeses and abolish tariffs over a 15-year period. But Japanese cheese producers are worried about greater competition.

7)   Workers at major firms in Japan won an average monthly pay hike of over 60 dollars for the 4th year in a row.
That’s as a result of annual labor negotiations.

8)   Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has said his country will provide aid in the amount of 1.4 billion yen, or about 12.4 million dollars, to Jordan.

9)   The death toll from last week’s record downpour in southwestern Japan has risen to 32.
10)   A US Democratic congressman has submitted a resolution to the House of Representatives to seek the impeachment of President Donald Trump.

11)   One of the biggest icebergs on record has broken off Antarctica, raising fears it could create more flow of ice into the sea and possibly raise the sea level.

12)   North Korea has threatened to retaliate if the United Nations Security Council imposes additional sanctions over its nucleaar and missile programs.

13)   The US government wants to renegotiate its free trade agreement with South Korea. Trade Representative Robert Lightheizer sent a letter to his counterpart in Seoul.

The letter says the US and South Korea are important allies and key trading partners. It says they need free, fair and balanced trade to strengthen the relationship.

It also says the US has real concerns about its significant trade imbalance with South Korea.













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^^ 玉子と抹茶のかき氷。玉子の方は中にカスタードアイスクリームが入っていて、抹茶の方は小豆入り。来週には桃とイチジクのかき氷も出るそうなのでそれも食べるぞ!


July 8th, 2017

1)   Torrential rains continue to batter western Japan for a third day. Eleven people are dead and at least 14 are missing.
Over 54,000 residents were ordered to evacuate their homes while thousands of rescuers search for survivors.

Parts of Fukuoka prefecture, on the island of Kyushu, were hit by over 600 millimeters of rain in 2 days, almost double the amount that usually falls in all of July.

2)   A shipment of reprocessed nuclear fuel destined for a Japanese power plant has left France.

Two specially fitted vessels left the port of Cherbourg, northwestern France, on Wednesday.

French nuclear energy firm Areva manufactured the MOX, or mixed oxide, fuel, a mixture of uranium and plutonium reprocessed from spent nuclear fuel.

The fuel is to be used in the No. 4 reactor at the Takahama nuclear plant, which Kansai Electric Power Company restarted in May.

3)   Japan’s defense minister has defended her temporary absence from her office while Self-Defense Force personnel engaged in rescue operations in rain-devastated northern Kyushu, western Japan.

Japan’s Meteorological Agency had issued for parts of the region emergency heavy rain warnings, which are issued for disasters that could occur only once every few decades.

Tomomi Inada left the ministry for about an hour around noon on Thursday to attend a defense policy seminar.

4)   A single poisonous fire ant has been found at Tokyo Port. It was in a shipping container that arrived from China.

The ant was found during an inspection at a port wharf on Monday. An analysis by the Environment Ministry has confirmed that it was a fire ant. Officials have no reports of anyone being stung by the ant.

5)   Japan and the European Union have reached a broad deal on an Economic Partnership Agreement that would affect about 30 percent of the world’s gross domestic product.

The EPA is the first of its kind among large, advanced economies, and would be one of Japan’s biggest trade deals.

6)   Japan’s tax revenue for the fiscal year that ended in March dropped for the first time in 7 years.

The Finance Ministry says total revenue came to nearly 55.5 trillion yen, or about 490 billion dollars. That’s down 1.5 percent from the figure for the previous year.

Corporate tax income dropped 4.6 percent. The stronger yen has dampened corporate earnings. Revenues from income and consumption taxes both fell 1.1 percent.

One economist says the drop in revenue has brought Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s economic policies to a crossroads.

7)   Anti-capitalist protesters have clashed with police in Hamburg ahead of the G20 summit that opens on Friday. Authorities say more than 70 police officers were injured.

Police say about 12,000 people took part in a rally at a port on the Elbe River on Thursday.

8)   A United Nations conference is expected to adopt a final draft on Friday of a legally binding treaty to ban nuclear weapons.

Conference President Elayne Whyte Gomez presented the final draft on Thursday to the 129 non-nuclear countries taking part in the negotiations at the UN headquarters in New York.

9)   A United Nations conference is expected to adopt a final draft on Friday of a legally binding treaty to ban nuclear weapons.

Conference President Elayne Whyte Gomez presented the final draft on Thursday to the 129 non-nuclear countries taking part in the negotiations.
10)   Leaders of the Group of 20 economies have opened their summit in Germany, with free trade and climate change among the key issues.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel welcomed the leaders in the northern city of Hamburg on Friday. Merkel will chair the 2-day summit.

The leaders will discuss terrorism, the world economy and trade, as well as climate change on the first day.

A key focus is whether the G20 can issue a clear message in support of free trade for sustainable growth, amid rising protectionism.





先週友人がお茶でもどう?と誘ってくれたので職場近くのカフェで合流して話している時に「肩の調子はその後どう?」と聞いてくれたのでそういえば左肩が痛くて、歩くのに腕を後ろに引く動作だけでイテテとなり、洋服を着替える時もイテテとなり、右腕にもそれがやってきて、両腕ともに痛かったことを思い出し、つまりは忘れていたので、確かめるい動作をしてみたら痛くなくなっていた。右手の指と左手の指は接触しなかったが、その動作ができる位置に腕を持っていっても痛くなかった。^^ いつの間にか。多分これはゆらぎ用の薬の効果だろう。すっかり忘れてたので友人に思い出させてもらってちょっと得した気分♪



June 30th, 2017


1)     The Japanese government is exploring ways to use cruise ships in order to cope with accommodation shortages expected during the 2020 Tokyo Olympics

2)   These days, we should consider the thought of coming under cyber-attack as just a way of life.

3)   A Japanese team has inspected tourist sites and other facilities on Etorofu Island, one of the 4 Russian-held islands claimed by Japan.

The delegation of about 70 members, including government officials and business people, arrived in Etorofu on Thursday.

They are visiting the islands to study the feasibility of starting joint economic projects with Russia. Etorofu is the second leg of their 5-day tour, which started on Kunashiri Island on Tuesday.

4)   The US government says it is tightening security on inbound flights due to a heightened threat of terror attacks.

Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly announced the new aviation safety rules on Wednesday in Washington.

He said he is concerned about terrorist groups’ renewed interest in targeting the aviation sector. He emphasized the necessity of boosting security in airports around the world for direct flights to the US.

5)   Many Japanese follow a tradition of eating grilled eel to beat the summer heat. But with the price of eel rising in recent years, a major supermarket chain is offering grilled catfish, a less expensive alternative.

Retail giant Aeon unveiled the new product for the Midsummer Day, which falls on July 25th. The company is selling catfish raised in Vietnam for the first time.

Company officials say they are using a type of catfish called pangasius, which is known for its fleshy white meat suitable for grilling.

6)     India’s largest port has been hit by a cyberattack, following ransomware attacks targeting government agencies and companies in Europe and the United States.

The Indian government said in a statement on Wednesday that malicious software crippled operations at one terminal of the port in western city of Mumbai.

7)   A major operator of tax-free stores in Japan is launching a new type of outlet that gives tourists a chance to experience a lifestyle rather than just buy a product.
It caters to a growing number of foreign visitors who want to get a taste of the real Japan.

Tax-free items include products that are popular among tourists, such as home appliances and cosmetics.

Visitors to the store can also enjoy a buffet of various Japanese dishes like sushi and tempura.

They can play a survival game using air guns that shoot plastic bullets.

In addition, there’s a shop that specializes in instant noodles. It sells 42 varieties and many of them are exclusive to Japan. There’s hot water available for people who can’t wait to taste their purchase.
8)   Exactly 3 years have passed since the Islamic State militant group unilaterally declared an Islamic caliphate in an area straddling Iraq and Syria.

The group declared itself the Islamic State after seizing Iraq’s second largest city, Mosul, on June 29th, 2014.

An offensive to retake Mosul from the militants has entered the final phase. Iraqi forces say the insurgents are now trapped in a one-square-kilometer area.

9)   A US survey suggests the image of the United States has sharply worsened worldwide under President Donald Trump.

The non-partisan Pew Research Center surveyed about 40,000 people earlier this year, in 37 countries including Japan.

It reports only 49 percent held a favorable view of the US, compared to 64 percent in the closing years of the Obama administration.

10)   The social-networking giant Facebook says its monthly active users reached 2 billion.
The number has doubled in 5 years.


写真 2017-06-29 18 52 50



母の脳外科デー。循環器のドクタが脳外科のドクタに薬のことを連絡しておくと言っていたのに「何も聞いてないよ〜」とのこと。ありゃ。でも脳外科のドクタがお薬手帳を見て指定の薬は出してくれた。その薬と腸の薬は併用して問題ないそうだから引き続き食べる量と質、そしてそれに対応する薬の量を探っていこう。血液検査の結果、栄養状態は今回もよし!貧血はまた少し出ているけれど、コレステロールや中性脂肪、血糖、肝臓の値、全て問題ないそうだ。ドクタがGood!と書いてくれた^^ 帰りにはまた母の好きなシュークリームを買って帰り昼食後のお楽しみを美味しいね美味しいねと言いながら食べていた。よしよし。血液検査の値も良かったので、もう好きなものをたくさん食べてください。午後は自分の病院に行き診察を受けて薬を出してもらい(次は2ヶ月後)、帰りに薬局に寄り母の薬をもらって、帰ってきてからは訪問鍼灸マッサージの先生に母は治療してもらう。しかし今月は病院デーが多かったなぁ。そういえば先週の家人の診察の日には急に思い立って反射炉に行ってきた。子供の頃遠足か何かで一度くらい行ったのかどうか覚えてないがどうだったのだろう。行ってみて驚いた!さぞかし混んでいるのだろうと思った世界遺産なのに私たち以外誰もいない。。。世界遺産貸切(笑)

写真 2017-06-22 12 39 21 (1)




写真 2017-06-22 12 49 28




June 24th, 2017

選挙からパンダから将棋まで諸々。全然上手く話せてはいないけれど何故かこの時間がストレス解消に役立ってるのが分かる。来週のレッスンは誕生日プレゼントにするから予約しないでね。とのこと。sweet! :)

1)    People in Okinawa are marking the 72nd anniversary of the end of a fierce ground battle in the closing days of World War Two.

Every year on June 23rd, Okinawa commemorates the end of the Japanese military’s organized combat against US forces in the southwestern prefecture.

More than 200,000 people, including about a quarter of Okinawa’s residents, were killed in the 1945 battle. The exact figure remains unknown.

2)   Candidates for the Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly have kicked off their campaigns for an upcoming election.
Political parties in Japan see the assembly election as an important bellwether for national ballots.
3)   The announcer and cancer blogger Mao Kobayashi has died. She was 34 years old.

A Tokyo native, Kobayashi started her career as a TV personality while she was still at college.

After graduation, she became a freelance announcer and was a caster for a news program.

She married the kabuki actor Ichikawa Ebizo in 2010 and had 2 children.

4)   The Shinkansen bullet train service in western Japan was suspended for 5 hours from Wednesday night due to a power outage. 72 trains were immobilized, and more than 50,000 passengers were affected.

Central Japan Railway says overhead wiring got severed in Takatsuki, Osaka, shortly before 8 PM on Wednesday.

5)   A former vice education minister has called for a third-party investigation into a favoritism scandal involving the operator of school run by a close friend of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.

Kake Educational Institution, headed by Abe’s long-time friend, Kotaro Kake, plans to open a veterinary school in a government-designated special economic zone in Imabari City, western Japan.

Kihei Maekawa told a news conference on Friday that the prime minister’s office and the Cabinet Office are being dishonest in repeatedly denying the contents of documents that have turned up in an education ministry probe into the scandal.

6)   Tokyo’s Ueno Zoo says a newborn giant panda cub has turned out to be female.

Zoo officials say the cub that was born on Monday of last week is steadily growing.

They say they conducted the cub’s third physical checkup on Thursday with a Chinese specialist from a giant panda’s protection and research facility.

7)   Another type of venomous ant has been found in western Japan, at the same port where fire ants were earlier confirmed.

Kobe City officials say about 100 of the ants were discovered on Tuesday in Kobe Port.

On May 26th, fire ants were found at the port in a shipping container from China. In mid-June, about 100 of these ants were also discovered in a container storage area at the port.

The ants found on Tuesday are a different variety that has a lower toxicity. But their sting could cause a severe reaction.

8)   The number of foreign tourists visiting Japan is continuing to increase. It hit a new record for the month of May.

The Japan Tourism Organization estimated that nearly 2.3 million foreigners visited in the month. That’s up 21 percent from May last year.

South Korea topped the list.

The number of visitors from the country increased by 85 percent as more direct flights were added. Tourists also returned to Kumamoto, one year after a strong earthquake there.

9)   Japan’s youngest professional shogi player, 14-year-old Souta Fujii, won his 28th game in a row. His winning streak matches a record set 30 years ago.

10)   Tokyo’s governor has been consulting with executives from global firms about how to make the nation’s capital a more attractive place to do business.

Yuriko Koike met Thursday with the CEOs and managers of 8 US- and UK-based institutions that operate in Tokyo.

Koike says she’s determined to turn the capital into an international financial hub.

The Tokyo Metropolitan Government this month outlined its plan to attract overseas financial institutions. It includes cutting corporate taxes, and improving workers’ living environments.

One of the people Koike consulted was the president of fund manager BlackRock Japan.

He noted the difficulty of finding talented mid-career women workers. He said this is because childcare in Japan is so poor. And he called for better support for working mothers.

Another participant said Tokyo needs to develop a bigger talent pool. He suggested creating a university that specializes in finance and gives lectures in English.

Koike said the feedback will help make the city a better place for women and highly skilled professionals to work.

The Tokyo government wants to put the finishing touches on its plan around this autumn.




