月別: 2017年6月
母の脳外科デー。循環器のドクタが脳外科のドクタに薬のことを連絡しておくと言っていたのに「何も聞いてないよ〜」とのこと。ありゃ。でも脳外科のドクタがお薬手帳を見て指定の薬は出してくれた。その薬と腸の薬は併用して問題ないそうだから引き続き食べる量と質、そしてそれに対応する薬の量を探っていこう。血液検査の結果、栄養状態は今回もよし!貧血はまた少し出ているけれど、コレステロールや中性脂肪、血糖、肝臓の値、全て問題ないそうだ。ドクタがGood!と書いてくれた^^ 帰りにはまた母の好きなシュークリームを買って帰り昼食後のお楽しみを美味しいね美味しいねと言いながら食べていた。よしよし。血液検査の値も良かったので、もう好きなものをたくさん食べてください。午後は自分の病院に行き診察を受けて薬を出してもらい(次は2ヶ月後)、帰りに薬局に寄り母の薬をもらって、帰ってきてからは訪問鍼灸マッサージの先生に母は治療してもらう。しかし今月は病院デーが多かったなぁ。そういえば先週の家人の診察の日には急に思い立って反射炉に行ってきた。子供の頃遠足か何かで一度くらい行ったのかどうか覚えてないがどうだったのだろう。行ってみて驚いた!さぞかし混んでいるのだろうと思った世界遺産なのに私たち以外誰もいない。。。世界遺産貸切(笑)
June 24th, 2017
1) People in Okinawa are marking the 72nd anniversary of the end of a fierce ground battle in the closing days of World War Two.
Every year on June 23rd, Okinawa commemorates the end of the Japanese military’s organized combat against US forces in the southwestern prefecture.
More than 200,000 people, including about a quarter of Okinawa’s residents, were killed in the 1945 battle. The exact figure remains unknown.
2) Candidates for the Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly have kicked off their campaigns for an upcoming election.
Political parties in Japan see the assembly election as an important bellwether for national ballots.
3) The announcer and cancer blogger Mao Kobayashi has died. She was 34 years old.
A Tokyo native, Kobayashi started her career as a TV personality while she was still at college.
After graduation, she became a freelance announcer and was a caster for a news program.
She married the kabuki actor Ichikawa Ebizo in 2010 and had 2 children.
4) The Shinkansen bullet train service in western Japan was suspended for 5 hours from Wednesday night due to a power outage. 72 trains were immobilized, and more than 50,000 passengers were affected.
Central Japan Railway says overhead wiring got severed in Takatsuki, Osaka, shortly before 8 PM on Wednesday.
5) A former vice education minister has called for a third-party investigation into a favoritism scandal involving the operator of school run by a close friend of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.
Kake Educational Institution, headed by Abe’s long-time friend, Kotaro Kake, plans to open a veterinary school in a government-designated special economic zone in Imabari City, western Japan.
Kihei Maekawa told a news conference on Friday that the prime minister’s office and the Cabinet Office are being dishonest in repeatedly denying the contents of documents that have turned up in an education ministry probe into the scandal.
6) Tokyo’s Ueno Zoo says a newborn giant panda cub has turned out to be female.
Zoo officials say the cub that was born on Monday of last week is steadily growing.
They say they conducted the cub’s third physical checkup on Thursday with a Chinese specialist from a giant panda’s protection and research facility.
7) Another type of venomous ant has been found in western Japan, at the same port where fire ants were earlier confirmed.
Kobe City officials say about 100 of the ants were discovered on Tuesday in Kobe Port.
On May 26th, fire ants were found at the port in a shipping container from China. In mid-June, about 100 of these ants were also discovered in a container storage area at the port.
The ants found on Tuesday are a different variety that has a lower toxicity. But their sting could cause a severe reaction.
8) The number of foreign tourists visiting Japan is continuing to increase. It hit a new record for the month of May.
The Japan Tourism Organization estimated that nearly 2.3 million foreigners visited in the month. That’s up 21 percent from May last year.
South Korea topped the list.
The number of visitors from the country increased by 85 percent as more direct flights were added. Tourists also returned to Kumamoto, one year after a strong earthquake there.
9) Japan’s youngest professional shogi player, 14-year-old Souta Fujii, won his 28th game in a row. His winning streak matches a record set 30 years ago.
10) Tokyo’s governor has been consulting with executives from global firms about how to make the nation’s capital a more attractive place to do business.
Yuriko Koike met Thursday with the CEOs and managers of 8 US- and UK-based institutions that operate in Tokyo.
Koike says she’s determined to turn the capital into an international financial hub.
The Tokyo Metropolitan Government this month outlined its plan to attract overseas financial institutions. It includes cutting corporate taxes, and improving workers’ living environments.
One of the people Koike consulted was the president of fund manager BlackRock Japan.
He noted the difficulty of finding talented mid-career women workers. He said this is because childcare in Japan is so poor. And he called for better support for working mothers.
Another participant said Tokyo needs to develop a bigger talent pool. He suggested creating a university that specializes in finance and gives lectures in English.
Koike said the feedback will help make the city a better place for women and highly skilled professionals to work.
The Tokyo government wants to put the finishing touches on its plan around this autumn.
昨日は産直で初枝豆と初スイカ(小玉)を買った。他にキャベツとかぼちゃと大根も買って、重くてようやく車についたと思ったがキーの解除ボタンを押しても車がピピと言わない。何度もやってもダメで壊れたか、じゃあ鍵穴に入れて回すかとトライするところでようやくその車が自分の車でないことに気づいた。汗。よく見たら白しか一緒じゃないし。私の車は3台ほど向こうにちんまりといた。^^ああ 加齢の思い込みよ。。。
# 誕生日はまだだけど
June 17th, 2017
1) The number of Japanese people with dementia reported missing hit yet another record high in 2016, figures released Thursday showed, indicating the issue of elderly care is becoming more complex due to Japan’s aging society.
The National Police Agency said 15,432 people with dementia or who are suspected to be suffering the condition were reported missing to police in 2016, up 26.4 percent from the previous year.
2) Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was under mounting pressure Friday over allegations that he used his influence to help a friend in a business deal after two official reports appeared to back up the claims.
3) A prominent anti-U.S. base activist in Okinawa said Thursday at a U.N. Human Rights Council meeting that the Japanese government has committed “clear human rights violations” against opponents of the relocation of a U.S. air base within the southern island Japan prefecture.
4) The death toll in an apartment building fire in west London is likely to rise significantly. Police says they have confirmed at least 30 people died from the fire that engulfed a 24-story building on Wednesday.
5) A beer garden located higher than any of its competitors in Tokyo attracted a large number of people at its yearly opening.
The summer open-air restaurant is located halfway up the 600-meter Mount Takao in western Tokyo.
On Friday, hikers in groups dropped by for beer on their way down the mountain. They enjoyed a view of skyscrapers in the center of Tokyo in the far distance and a rainbow that appeared in the sky.
6) Japan’s Foreign Ministry has lodged a strong protest over a South Korean military drill on the Takeshima Islands of Shimane Prefecture.
Foreign Ministry officials said they confirmed that the exercise started on Thursday morning.
South Korea controls the islands. Japan claims them.
7) A group of Japanese writers is condemning the enactment of anti-terror legislation as an outrage.
The head of the Japan PEN Club, Jiro Asada, released a statement on Thursday, following passage of the bill which criminalizes the act of preparing terror attacks and other organized crimes.
Asada, a novelist, said the new law could seriously threaten freedom of speech and expression by effectively introducing the crime of conspiracy.
8) Local assemblies in Japan are having hard time in getting citizens to show interest in their activities.
The assembly of Tomakomai City, northern Japan, has started offering 50 yen, or about 45 cents, in community points to citizens who attend its sessions.
Thursday was the first day of the offer. At reception, citizens scanned their community money point cards to get 50 points, worth about 45 cents.
9) Sources say struggling Japanese auto parts maker Takata is taking final steps to file for bankruptcy as early as this month. The company is one of the world’s top 3 airbag producers but has been involved in a worldwide recall since 2013.
10) A Japanese convenience store chain is turning to artificial intelligence to reduce its employee workload. The industry is currently struggling with a serious labor shortage.
FamilyMart, free messaging application provider LINE and trading firm Itochu have reached basic agreement on the tie-up. The say their new convenience stores will employ AI technology now being developed by LINE.
They say the system will use sales data to predict customer demand and place the appropriate orders.
They will also try to persuade the approximately 68 million LINE users in Japan to use their smartphones to make payments.
The three firms will study the practical aspects of the tie-up projects and try to open a model store by the end of 2018.
Lawson, another convenience store chain, has been developing an automated checkout system in a tie-up with a major electronics maker.
11) An expert panel set up by Japan’s Cabinet Office says the economy has likely been expanding since December 2012. That’s more than 4 and a half years, making it the third-longest period of postwar growth.
The panel says the pace of growth did slow between April 2014, when the consumption tax was raised to 8 percent — and early 2016.
But experts have agreed that this period was not a recession.
The current run is longer than the period of growth in the bubble years, which started in 1986 and lasted 4 years and 3 months.
12) Russian President Vladimir Putin has reiterated that discussing issues arising from the Japan-US Security Treaty is unavoidable to make progress in negotiations on a territorial dispute with Japan.
Putin spoke to reporters in Moscow on Thursday after a televised question-and-answer session with ordinary citizens.
Putin talked about joint economic activity with Japan on a disputed island chain. On-site surveys are set to start late this month.
・・・・なんかディサービスであったのか!!! <= 聞いても答えない。
近くの産直にもビワが出ていた。母の大好物なのでもちろんカゴに入れた。破竹の茹でたのもあったのでそれも買った。母の80歳のお誕生日だったので、「何か食べたいものある?」と尋ねるとまさかの「ペヤングソース焼きそばというものを食べてみたい」と言うではないか!学生の頃よく家に置いてあってお腹が空いた時に食べた記憶があるけれど、買ってくれていた母本人は食べたことがなかったそうで、何かのTV番組の特集を見て急に食べてみたくなったそうだ。^^ なので帰りにコンビニに寄りペヤングを買って帰った。お昼ご飯に食べてみて「どう?」と訊くと「ふ〜ん、食べられなくはない。不味くはない」と言う辛口80歳ペヤング初体験。私も久しぶりのペヤング。とはいえ家人が時々食後のおやつに食べたいと言うので1年に1,2回は食べる。私もそれを一口二口食べるのだが丸々1個食べるのはそれこそ子供のとき以来かも。ビワは案の定美味しい美味しいと食べていた。夜には家人が自分のお客さんである若い中国人夫婦がやっている中華料理屋さんからお料理を数品テイクアウトしてきてくれた。母の好きな銀杏と鶏肉のうま煮やらチャーハンやら牛肉と野菜の味噌炒めみやら。杏仁豆腐はおまけだそう。外食は母はもうすこし難しいので、この頃家人が時々いろいろなお店でテイクアウトしてきてくれるプロの味を家にいながら食べるのがすごく幸せなんだそうだ。ありがとう夫よ。二人でそう感謝するとそうだろうそうだろうまた買ってくるからと満足気であった。そして「お義母さんが80歳なんてびっくりだな。あ、じゃあウチの母親もか!へー!」と。^^
June 10th, 2017
1) For the first time in 2 centuries, Japan’s Emperor will be allowed to step down.
The Diet has enacted a bill that allows Emperor Akihito to abdicate, but the law only makes the provision for him. The law is designed to allow him to hand over the throne to his son, Crown Prince Naruhito.
2) The operator of a nuclear research facility near Tokyo says one of its workers may have suffered a high levels of internal radiation exposure.
Five workers at the facility of the Japan Atomic Energy Agency in Oarai Town, Ibaraki Prefecture, were accidentally exposed to radioactive substances on Tuesday.
3) A police officer in southwestern Japan has been arrested for allegedly killing his wife. The couple’s young children were also found dead at their home on Tuesday.
Police arrested Mitsuru Nakata based on forensic evidence at the scene. The 38-year-old works for the Fukuoka prefectural police.
4) Japanese education minister Hirokazu Matsuno says his ministry will reinvestigate the existence of controversial ministry documents.
The documents are alleged to be related to the planned creation of a new veterinary school by Kake Educational Institution, which is run by a close friend of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.
One of the documents allegedly mentions the intentions of the highest level of the Prime Minister’s Office in calling for swift approval of the opening of the new school.
5) A man held as a murder suspect in Japan is believed to have been helped by more than 10 members of his radical leftist group while on the run for over 45 years.
Sources with the investigation say members of the Chukaku-ha group gave shelter to Masaaki Osaka and helped him elude the authorities.
Police on Wednesday served Osaka with a fresh arrest warrant in the killing of a police officer during a riot in Tokyo in 1971.
6) Haagen-Dazs Japan has announced a recall of new ice cream products that may contain black pieces of rubber.
Company officials soon received complaints from consumers saying they found black pieces in the ice cream. The officials say they found worn rubber in manufacturing equipment at a factory, and that fragments may have been mixed into the ice cream.
7) Japan’s largest business organization is asking Vietnam to help get the Trans-Pacific Partnership free trade deal back on track after the US withdrawal.
Japan and Vietnam are among the 11 remaining signatories of the TPP.
8) South Korea’s military says it has found small, unmanned aircraft crashed on a mountain in the northern part of the country. The military says the drone’s size and shape are similar to a North Korean drone found on a remote island 3 years ago.
9) The US state of Hawaii has enacted legislation calling for continued efforts to cut greenhouse gas emissions across Hawaii in line with the Paris climate change agreement.
10) 67 members have joined a new effort to stop multinational tax avoidance. Members of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development have backed a convention that stops companies from exploiting countries with lower taxes.
The move follows claims that firms such as Apple and Amazon were shifting profits to low-tax jurisdictions despite having little presence there.
母の通うディサービスの隣は100円ショップで先月から月1で100均で買い物するイベントが行われるようになった。先月母はディサービスに持っていく化粧水の詰め替え用の小さな入れ物(可愛いデザイン)のを買って帰ってきた。仲良しの利用者さんとスタッフさんとこんなのあるんだねぇと話しながら自分で選んで買うのは楽しいそうで、今日は朝「お前は何か欲しいものはある?」と聞いてくれたので、「お店で一番長いつっぱり棒を買ってきて」とお願いしたところ、つっぱり棒は覚えていたようだけれど、3種類の長さのつっぱり棒を持って帰ってきた。長さが色々あって選べなかったのと言う。^^ 「ありがとう!つっぱり棒はいろんなサイズが家にあると助かる〜」と言ったら「また次回も必要なものがあったら買ってきてあげるからね」と嬉しそうだった。いいイベントだ!実に!。そして「お母さんは自分のために何を買ったの?」と聞くと見せてくれたのが、小さな手鏡(これで顔にゴミついていないかチェックするのよ!という。(麻痺しているので口元に食べかすがついていることを時々指摘されるのが嫌だったよう)。そしてもう一つ見せてくれたのがまゆ墨であった。まゆ墨。使ったことないよ私。鏡とまゆ墨。間違いなく私より女子力高い。それが嬉しい。
June 3rd, 2017
1) US President Donald Trump says his country will withdraw from the Paris Agreement on climate change.
Trump said he will keep his promise to US taxpayers. He referred to the largest emitter China and said the Paris deal is unfair to the US as it allows other countries to continue to pollute at a greater rate.
2) A US Defense Department official has expressed confidence about establishing a missile defense system capable of handling threats from North Korea and Iran.
The Pentagon announced on Tuesday that an interceptor launched from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California successfully shot down a mock-up of an intercontinental ballistic missile.
3) Japanese police have arrested 5 women for allegedly trying to smuggle gold from South Korea through an airport in central Japan.
Police say the women arrived at Chubu international airport last December with about 30 kilograms of gold bars hidden in pockets sewn inside their clothes.
The gold is said to be worth about 1.2 million dollars.
Police believe the women were serving as couriers for the ringleader, thought to be a South Korean woman, who allegedly purchased the gold in Hong Kong.
4) The Japan Coast Guard has arrested 5 Japanese and 3 Chinese men on suspicion of smuggling what appears to be over 200 kilograms of gold bullion into the country.
Coast Guard officials say they believe the owner of the small boat used by the suspects is Yasuaki Saito, a resident of the city of Iki in Nagasaki Prefecture.
Saito and the 7 others allegedly unloaded about 206 kilograms of cargos believed to be gold at a fishing port in the city of Karatsu in Saga Prefecture on Wednesday.
5) The UN Human Rights Council released on Wednesday a report compiled by Special Rapporteur David Kaye. He is a professor at the University of California.
Kaye notes that Japanese media face direct and indirect pressure from government officials, urging the government to strengthen media independence.
6) The job interview season has officially started in Japan, as next spring’s graduates begin the task of landing a job with a major firm.
The season is scheduled according to guidelines set by the Japan Business Federation, or Keidanren.
University students are pressing their suits and polishing their interview skills.
7) A government advisory panel on education reform proposed to Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on Thursday steps to ease the workload of teachers in Japan and boost community and parent involvement with schools, amid concerns about overwork.
The panel is recommending introducing a “Teachers’ Day,” designed to make local communities more aware and involved in tasks handled by teachers.
8) Japan’s health ministry on Friday abandoned its plan to completely ban smoking in restaurants as part of measures to lower cancer risks, yielding to a ruling party proposal advocating smokers’ rights.
The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare will still aim to fully eliminate smoking in government offices and medical institutions, its officials said, as the host country of the 2020 Olympics and Paralympics seeks to implement tighter measures to counter passive smoking.
9) Apple is preparing to launch a connected speaker to serve as a smart home assistant in a challenge to Amazon Echo and Google Home, a news report says.
The speaker powered by Apple’s digital assistant Siri may be unveiled at the annual Worldwide Developers Conference next week in Silicon Valley, Bloomberg News reported Thursday.
10) Price hikes for a number of items went into effect in Japan on Thursday, among them beer, butter and postcards.
The new law will require mass merchandisers to raise the price of beer and happoshu (low-malt beer-like beverages) by about 10%.