March 3rd, 2018


1)   The Japanese government says the unemployment rate for January stood at a seasonally adjusted 2.4 percent. That’s down 0.3 percentage points from the previous month, and is the lowest since April 1993.

More than 65 million people had jobs, up 920,000 from a year earlier. Employment has been expanding for more than 5 years.

2)   Major food and beverage makers across Japan are to raise prices due to the higher costs of labor and raw materials.

Breweries are hiking prices of bottled and draft beer. They say driver shortages and other factors are making distribution more costly, so bottled beer will go up by around 10 percent.

Prices of domestic and imported wines will also increase by 3 to 6 percent, due to the rising costs of grapes.

Consumers in Japan can expect to pay more for rice, frozen items and dairy products.

3)   A Japanese university will set up a research institute to study legal issues related to self-driving cars and make recommendations to the government.

The Japanese government is aiming to put self-driving technology into practical use by around 2020. It envisions making use of level 3 of the 5-degree scale of autonomous driving. At that level, driving is basically fully automated except in emergencies.

4)  China has warned the United States not to resort to protectionism, after President Donald Trump announced plans to impose heavy tariffs on steel and aluminum imports.

Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying told reporters on Friday that the steel and aluminum industries are facing global challenges and that countries should cooperate to tackle them.

Hua suggested that no country should resort to unilateral trade restrictions to protect its own interests.

5)   The Reuters news agency says North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and his late father, Kim Jong Il, obtained fake Brazilian passports under false names in the 1990s.

The younger Kim is known to have made multiple secret visits to Japan around 1991, when he was a child, using a fake passport. He is also known to have traveled to Japan using a fake Brazilian passport in May of 1991.

6)   A senior official of Japan’s Finance Ministry says it will look into allegations of altering internal documents on the sale of state-owned land to a private school operator.

The land in Osaka Prefecture was sold to Moritomo Gakuen in June 2016 for about 7.5 million dollars less than its market value.

The ministry disclosed its internal documents related to the sale after the issue was made public in February last year and taken up at the Diet.

But media say the documents were not those created when a local branch of the ministry concluded a contract for the sale.

7)   Russian figure skater Alina Zagitova, who took gold in women’s singles figure skating in the PyeongChang Winter Olympics, says she hankers after an Akita dog. The breed originates from the prefecture of the same name in northern Japan.

8)   Japan’s Meteorological Agency says a volcano in the country’s southwest appears to have erupted.

The agency says volcanic tremors began on Mount Shinmoe in the Kirishima mountain range, bordering Kagoshima and Miyazaki prefectures, at around 8:15 AM Thursday, Japan time.

Volcanic ash was reported falling at the foot of the mountain at around 11:00 AM. Shinmoe last erupted in October.

9)   A letter that was opened at a US military base near Washington caused 11 people to fall ill.

The US Marine Corps says the incident happened at a base in Arlington, Virginia, on Tuesday. 3 of the sick were taken to a hospital.

10)   —Statistics show pigs are hogging the market in Europe as the largest livestock category and outnumber people in Denmark by more than two-to-one.

European statistical agency Eurostat said Thursday that with a population of about 150 million in the European Union, pigs far outnumber cattle and other bovines, the second-largest livestock category with 89 million head.

11)   —A New York economic development agency report meant to show the state’s growth was illustrated with an 8-year-old photo showing construction craneas in South Africa.

The Associated Press discovered the photo in this month’s report from Empire State Development.

12)   KFC says about 470 of the fried chicken chain’s 900 U.K. restaurants remained closed Tuesday because of a chicken shortage. The company says the disruption started last week, when it changed its delivery provider to DHL.
















Feb 24th, 2018


1)   South Korean lawmakers protested Friday over a visit by a top North Korean general for the Pyeongchang Olympics, labelling him a war criminal over the 2010 sinking of a warship and calling for his execution.

2)   Japan’s ruling Liberal Democratic Party on Thursday approved in principle the government’s antismoking plan.

However, smoking will be permitted in restaurants and bars if they set up special rooms for exclusive use by smokers where no food or drink will be served.

Facilities with customer seating areas of up to 100 square meters and capital of up to 50 million yen ($465,800) will be exempted from the requirement to establish separate smoking areas, if they display a sign indicating it is a “smoking space.”

As a result of the backpedaling, the ministry estimates that customers at some 55 percent of all restaurants and bars can carry on lighting up without going to a separate smoking room.

3)   Japan reiterated Thursday its claim to sovereignty over a group of islets administered by South Korea, after the islets featured in displays of unity between North and South Korea at the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics.

4)   A music video featuring Piko Taro, the creator of the viral sensation of “PPAP,” and his collaboration with Momoclo-chan Z, Momoiro Clover Z’s more kid-friendlier sister group, was released on Wednesday. The new song is titled “Vegetable” and was first uploaded onto the official YouTube account of Piko Taro.

5)   U.S. President Donald Trump suggested on Wednesday that arming teachers could help prevent massacres such as last week’s mass shooting at a Florida high school.

The armed school resource officer at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School resigned Thursday after video showed he didn’t enter the school during the shooting, Broward Sheriff Scott Israel said.

6)    The United States has announced that it is imposing the largest ever set of sanctions against North Korea. North Koreans will no longer be allowed to breathe air.

51 percent of Americans chose North Korea. Russia followed with 19 percent, and China with 11 percent.

7)   A memorial service has been held in Christchurch, New Zealand, to mark the 7th anniversary of a powerful earthquake there.

The magnitude 6.3 quake on February 22nd, 2011, killed 185 people, including 28 Japanese.

8)   Japanese police have arrested 2 men in connection with a shooting at the headquarters of a pro-North Korea organization in central Tokyo.

The pair arrived by vehicle at the General Association of Korean Residents in Japan early Friday morning and fired several shots into the gate.

The gate was transported to a nearby hosipital. The gate is reported to be in good condition.

9)   NHK reports that loveable mascot Kumamon has been banned from being a mascot of the Tokyo Summer Games 2020 because of s. harassment. Kumamon was not available for comments.

10)   A survey of Japan’s year-old “Premium Friday” labor initiative to encourage people to leave work early on the last Friday of each month shows that the campaign has failed to take root.

The survey of public- and private-sector officials shows that an average of 11 percent of workers left early on the designated days.

A goal of the campaign was to raise consumption. Officials hoped workers would spend more on dining and shopping during their extra free time.

But the survey shows that less than a quarter of restaurants and other businesses that launched promotions for the campaign reported higher sales.

Analysts say spending will not rise if disposable earnings do not as well





Feb 17th, 2018


1)   Defending men’s figure skating champion Yuzuru Hanyu took the lead for Japan after the short program at the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics on Friday.

2)   Japan’s economic outlook remains far from robust as uncertainty abounds over wage growth and business investment at home despite the longest growth run in nearly three decades under the “Abenomics” policy mix.

3)   The Japanese government on Thursday presented ruling lawmakers a plan to limit the number of times people living in the country can enter casinos to around 10 per month.

4)   The Federal Bureau of Investigation was warned in September about an ominous online comment by the 19-year-old man accused of killing 17 people at his former high school but was unable to locate him, an agent said on Thursday.

5)   Nearly half of the elderly drivers who caused fatal traffic accidents last year have been found to have shown signs of dementia or declined cognitive ability.

In Japan, cognitive ability tests are required for drivers, who are aged 75 or older when their driver’s licenses expire.

6)   After the conversation with the Japanese prime minister, Trump told reporters that he suggested Shinzo Abe should ask companies to invest more in the US.

Trump also said that Japanese firms earlier announced plans to open a number of factories in Michigan and other states but he wants them to set up

7)   The head of US Pacific Command has issued a strong warning about China’s military buildup.

Admiral Harry Harris says China is trying to win dominance in the Indo-Pacific region as it issues a challenge globally.

8)   McDonald’s Holdings Japan posted a record profit in 2017, marking a turnaround from huge losses 2 years earlier.

9)   —Police on Wednesday were trying to piece together how a 49-year-old skier whose disappearance sparked a massive search on a snowy New York mountainside ended up six days later in California, confused and still in ski clothes.

“”Toronto firefighter Constantinos “Danny” Filippidis told investigators he doesn’t know what happened after he was reported missing Wednesday, Feb. 7, from Whiteface Mountain during an annual ski trip with colleagues. The search ended Tuesday when Filippidis turned up in Sacramento, California.

10)   —An elk leaped into a research helicopter that was trying to capture it and brought down the helicopter in a collision that also killed the elk, authorities said Tuesday.

The elk jumped into the chopper’s tail rotor as the aircraft flew about 10 feet (3 meters) above ground in a mountainous part of eastern Utah, with its crew trying to drop a net on the elk, said Jared Rigby of the Wasatch County Sheriff’s Office.












母の風邪が私に見事なまでにお引越し。土曜日、姉と産直に行かないで本当に良かったと胸をなで下ろす。日、月と熱が38度台まで上がったが休日でよかった。^^  1人静かに寝ていたいと思ったがまだ風邪気のある母をディサービスには送り出せず、2人で家でへろーとしていた。私の体調を考慮して母の生理現象は休んでくれないので、ヨロヨロしながらも母の世話はなんとか。家事は適当。恐ろしいほど私にはよく効くエ●タックイブファインEX!!。飲むと速攻具合がよくなるので、そして切れた瞬間がわかるほどなの薬である。しかし今回も助かった。でも怖いので熱が下がってからは服用を止めた。薬がなくとももう元気!(咳と鼻水は残ってるけど)よかった!体調が良いってほんとそれだけで素晴らしいな!



清々しくて瑞々しい幻イチゴ大福を食べたらさらに元気になったような気がする。美味しすぎて2個ぺろっと食べてしまった。母もぺろっと食べていた。^^あまりにすぐぺろっと食べたので写真もなし。^^  チョコは日持ちするので後日のお楽しみに。







Jan 10th, 2018


1)   Princess Mako, the eldest granddaughter of Emperor Akihito, met with her longtime calligraphy teacher at an exhibition in Tokyo on Friday in her first official duty since the Imperial Household Agency announced she will postpone her marriage until 2020.

2)   Japan’s financial regulator has begun on-site inspections of multiple digital currency exchanges to check their risk management systems, following a massive theft of digital money worth 58 billion yen ($533 million) from Coincheck Inc, a minister said Friday.

3)   Roughly 260 vehicles remained stranded on a snowy road on the Sea of Japan coast Thursday morning, with many people already having spent two nights there while snow plowing efforts continued.

Heavy snow started to block traffic Tuesday morning and roughly 1,500 vehicles were stuck in a 10-kilometer stretch of Route 8 in Fukui Prefecture.

4)   AKB48 has dominated the sales charts and become such a cultural phenomenon, in spite of the fact that some would say they aren’t very good at singing or dancing.

5)   Drones can be used to survey crops and take photos of plants, allowing farmers to find insects, pest damage, weeds, diseased plants, and mold. A special  feature allows farmers to attach a pesticide bottle to the drone and spray only areas where insects are detected, reducing labor and the amount of chemicals used.

6)   The powerhouse Canadian squad, which is expected to challenge the team of Russians for the gold medal, compiled 17 points through the first two disciplines. The U.S. team was second with 14 points, followed by Japan and the Russians with 13 points apiece.

7)   A public elementary school in central Tokyo has drawn criticism for its plan to introduce uniforms designed by Italian fashion house Armani.

Taimei elementary school, located in the upscale Ginza shopping district, plans to introduce the new uniforms for first-graders starting in April.

Currently, a boy’s uniform for the school costs just over 155 dollars and a girl’s costs around 180 dollars. The Armani-designed uniforms will cost about two and a half times as much.

8)   Japan is to submit 14 items for inclusion in the UNESCO list of intangible heritage of high historical and cultural value.

The cultural agency made the decision on Wednesday.

The 14 submissions include the skills and craftsmanship of people involved in restoring cultural and traditional monuments, such as shrine carpenters and plasterers.

9)   US President Donald Trump has told Pentagon officials to plan a large-scale military parade in the nation’s capital this year.

Trump attended the Bastille Day parade in Paris on July 14th, following an invitation from French President Emmanuel Macron. He praised the French military parade and said he may do something like it in Washington.

10)   The US government has partially shut down for the second time this year after Congress failed to meet a deadline to vote on a new budget.


朝、出社後すぐに思いがけない来客があり、アワアワしていたら、昼ごろ母のディサービスから「お母様が高熱です!」と電話があり、アワアワが倍増!ともかく私帰ります!と言ってディサービスへ直行し母を車に乗せ、インフルエンザの恐れがあるのでそのまま母のかかり付けの病院に向かったら、午後休診とな。。。。そうだ!木曜日だった。木曜日は午後休診のところが多い。ダメ元で近場の内科を4件回ったがどこも休診であった(泣)それで落ち着いてちゃんと調べようとスマホで検索したらやはり休診のところが多い中、さらに車で20分ぐらいかかるが山の方の内科がやっているとわかった。口コミの評判も良いし先生がイケメンと書いてある。遠いけどそこに行ってみようか?と母に言うと「もうどこでもいいから早く診てもらいたい」と真っ赤な顔で言うので初めての病院へ。38度5分、もう車で1時間連れ回していてしんどかろう。到着した知らない病院はできたばかりのようで綺麗でスタッフも親切でそれほど待たずに診察に呼んでもらい、無事インフルエンザの検査もしてもらえた。結果陰性でホッと一安心。解熱、咳、鼻水の薬を処方してもらい、病院を出た後、母に、インフルじゃなくてよかったね。というと「うん。…でも先生イケメンじゃなかったね」。^^ しっかりチェックしてたのね。今日はすっかり熱も下がり、食欲もあり、明日明後日しっかり休めばだいぶ良くなりそうだ。しかしインフルエンザじゃなくて本当によかった。悪夢の数年前を思い出すと冷や汗がでる。姉に「インフルエンザかも」とアワアワして一報を入れた時に「今のインフルエンザの薬はすぐ熱を下げてくれるからもしインフルエンザでも大丈夫だよー」と返信が来たから、最近はもうそういう感じで私が心配しすぎなのかもだけど。




Feb 3rd, 2018


1)   Snow blanketed Tokyo and surrounding areas for the second time this winter on Friday, disrupting transport and forcing delays in entrance exams at educational institutions.

2)   Officials at Kyoto University say a mistake has been found in its entrance exam held last year and some applicants were rejected as a result of the error.

17 applicants were denied entry, while 11 others were not accepted to their top-choice departments.

They apologized for the error and said the university will accept the entrance of the students.

3)   Japan’s Cabinet has approved a tax reform plan for the next fiscal year starting in April. It includes a measure that gives companies tax breaks if they boost salaries by at least 3 percent and increase capital investment by a certain level.

Smokers can also expect to pay more. A hike amounting to about 3 cents per cigarette will be introduced from October to 2021.

The Cabinet also approved a bill aimed at raising funds to improve tourism services. Anyone leaving the country would need to pay about 9 dollars from next January.

4)    Oily objects that may have come from a tanker that sank off a southwestern island in Japan has reached the Japanese coast.

Japan’s Coast Guard says it received a report on Thursday about oily objects that had washed ashore on a beach of Amami Oshima Island, Kagoshima Prefecture.

5)   With the opening of the PyeongChang Winter Olympics one week away, 25 percent of the tickets remain unsold.

As of Friday, athletes from a record 92 countries and territories have registered to take part in the Games, which run from February 9th through 25th.

An athlete from Tonga is creating a global buzz.
34-year-old Pita Taufatofua will take part in the PyeongChang Winter Games as a cross-country skier, representing his snowless tropical homeland in the South Pacific.

6)    A fire at a facility for needy people in Hokkaido, northern Japan, has killed 11 people and injured 3 others. Police are working to identify the victims.

7)   Japanese police have arrested a murder suspect whose life as a fugitive in Thailand ended when a photo of his tattoo was posted on Facebook.

Investigators arrested 74-year-old Shigeharu Shirai on Friday when a plane carrying him from Thailand landed at the Chubu international airport in central Japan.

The former gangster is suspected of shooting and killing a senior member of the Yamaguchi Gumi crime syndicate in 2003.

8)   Japan and the European Union have pledged additional aid for Palestinians, counter to the US decision to suspend support.

The US administration of President Donald Trump partially froze aid for Palestinian refugees after recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

9)   A lawmaker with Shinzo Abe’s ruling Liberal Democratic Party drew gasps of disapproval from opposition party members for suggesting the prime minister should catch the flu to skip the Opening Ceremony of the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics.

Upper House member Takashi Uto said at the Jan. 31 session of the chamber’s Budget Committee, where Abe was present, “I get the feeling after watching the prime minister that your real intention is that you do not want to go.


















ディサービスから帰って来た母が「今日のお昼ねタコライスだったのに、一個もタコが入ってなかったんだよー」とご立腹であった。むむ。「お母さん、えーとあのね。タコライス。タコは入ってないんだよ。^^ 炒めたスパイシーな挽肉が上に乗ってなかった?」「・・・乗ってた」「それがタコライスなんだよ。沖縄料理なんだよ」「沖縄なのにタコライスなのになんでタコが乗ってないの?おかしいよ!!」とのことでご立腹のままである。






自治会の新規役員決め会議へ。来年は婦人会も役員でお祭りもある。2年間頑張ろう!でも19:30からの会議は遅くて嫌だなぁ。最近は夜外出しなくなったので、19:30-21:00なんて深夜ぐらいのイメージである。^^ でもまあ家人が帰って来ている時刻だから母を夜に一人にはしない点は安心だし、自治会の役員をやると町内の人たちに知り合いが増えて普段あまりできてない交流できるのがいい。21時に集会が終わりやれやれ今から夕飯の支度か。。。と戻ったら家人がお肉を焼いておいたよ!と待ってくれていた。ありがたい。某旦那様のように毎晩湯たんぽをお布団に入れてくれる域にはまだ遥かに遠いが!^o^




Jan 27th, 2018


1)   Tokyo’s ambulance service has experienced its busiest day in more than 80 years, officials said Thursday, amid icy conditions as the Japanese capital shivers through its coldest temperatures in decades.

The Tokyo fire department, which runs the ambulance service, said it had responded to 2,826 calls on Wednesday following rare and heavy snow that sparked chaos in one of the world’s most populous cities.

2)   U.S. President Donald Trump’s latest suggestion he may be open to Washington re-entering the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal will not alter Tokyo’s path toward bringing the renegotiated pact into force in March, a Japanese minister said Friday.

3)   Kawasaki Heavy Industries Ltd said Thursday its U.S. subsidiary has received an order worth $3.7 billion to build up to 1,612 cars for the New York subway.

4)   Japanese consumers are well known for their preference for cash. But a growing number are showing an interest in bitcoin and other digital currencies.
Corporations here are hoping to capitalize on the shift.

Telecom operator Internet Initiative Japan set up a new company earlier this month.

18 major firms will invest in the company to set up a virtual currency exchange. They plan to eventually launch payment services, too.

5)   About 530 million dollars’ worth of crypto-currency has gone missing from a major virtual exchange in Japan due to hacking.

The site operator, Coincheck, announced the currency called NEM disappeared at around 3 AM Friday. It has notified the Financial Services Agency and the police.

It says the assets belonged to customers, and is considering compensation and other measures.

6)      A Japanese research team says that in an experiment it conducted, poorly protected webcams were hacked only one hour after the devices were set up.

The team at Yokohama National University was trying to find out how hackers exploit Internet-linked cameras that people use to remotely monitor their homes and offices.

The team installed 4 webcams not protected with personal passwords and another that used a password but had a security flaw.

In just over one month, 148 unknown sources accessed the webcams. 33 of them manipulated the devices, such as by changing their angles.

7)   Japan’s Prime Minister says he wants to pursue a world free of nuclear weapons from a realistic standpoint, at a time when the imminence of the North Korean threat makes the US nuclear umbrella an absolute imperative.

Shinzo Abe’s comments on Friday before the Upper House were in response to the leader of the ruling coalition partner, Komeito.

8)   Police and firefighters have ended search operations for the day at a ski resort at Mount Kusatsu-Shirane, which erupted on Tuesday, killing one and injuring 11.

More than 40 members combed the Kusatsu ski resort in Gunma Prefecture on Thursday to see if anyone is stranded. They say they have found no one so far. Police plan to keep looking on Friday.

9)   A US decision to freeze in part financial contributions to the UN agency supporting Palestinian refugees is prompting concerns among other UN member states.

US President Donald Trump has threatened to freeze more financial aid to the Palestinians unless they return to peace talks with Israel.

10)   The governor of Okinawa, which hosts most US military facilities in Japan, has severely criticized the US Marine Corps commander over a remark he made regarding emergency landings by military aircraft in the prefecture.

On Thursday, General Robert Neller referred to the situation during a speech in Washington. He said he is glad they were precautionary landings because no one was hurt and the Marines didn’t lose any planes.







河津桜のように群生しているのではなくて、ところどころの場所に咲いている。一応公園で土肥桜祭というものはやっていて五平餅やら桜葉餅やらのお馴染み食べ物の屋台もあったけれど静かなのんびりした感じであった^ ^それでもここのところの寒さのなか桜色を見るのはやはり嬉しいものだ。土肥の海越しの富士山も距離感がいつもの富士山違うのが面白い。










Jan 20th, 2018


1)   The total number of suicides in Japan in 2017 was 21,140, a decrease for the 8th consecutive year, according to a preliminary report issued by the National Police Agency (NPA) on Friday.

The Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry said the government aims to reduce the number of suicides further by addressing such issues as excessive working hours, postpartum depression and websites for people with suicidal thoughts, Kyodo reported.

2)   Families of Japanese individuals suspected to have been abducted by North Korea will urge the International Criminal Court next week to prosecute the country’s leader Kim Jong Un, saying his refusal to provide information on their whereabouts constitutes continued human rights abuses against them.

3)   The rival Koreas agreed Wednesday to form their first unified Olympic team and have their athletes parade together for the first time in 11 years during the opening ceremony of next month’s Winter Olympics in South Korea, officials said.

4)   Tetsuya Komuro, one of Japan’s most famous music producers and songwriters, announced his retirement from show business at a press conference on Friday afternoon, just days after a tabloid magazine broke the news of his extramarital affair.

Komuro, 59, is married to Keiko, 45, the former lead vocalist of the pop group Globe, which he formed and produced in 1995.

5)   Apple Inc will open a new campus as part of a five-year, $30 billion U.S. investment plan and will make about $38 billion in one-time tax payments on its overseas cash, one of the largest corporate spending plans announced since the passage of a tax cut signed by U.S. President Donald Trump.

The company has been under increasing pressure to make U.S. investments since the 2016 presidential campaign, when Trump targeted the iPhone maker for making products in Asian factories.

6)   All court action for former members of the Aum Shinrikyo cult is to end, after the Supreme Court rejected an appeal by a man who took part in the 1995 deadly nerve gas attack on the Tokyo subway system.

Now that all the court action is finished, attention is focused on when the death penalty will be carried out on 13 Aum members.

7)   The number of criminal offenses in Japan has dropped to a record low last year, based on data available since 1946. The National Police agency attributes the decline in criminal offenses and the improved clear up rate to the spread of security cameras and more crime prevention volunteers. They say they will make more effort to crack down on rampant money transfer frauds.

8)   An event to mark the 40th anniversary of the debut of the iconic arcade game Space Invaders is attracting large crowds in Tokyo.

Space Invaders first hit game arcades in 1978 and became a phenomenal hit. Players are supposed to shoot and destroy invading enemies as they descend, while warding off their attacks.

9)   An exhibition in Tokyo is putting the spotlight on cutting-edge wearable devices, including shirts with sensors that might help prevent heatstroke.

A textile maker is displaying shirts with sensors to gauge the wearer’s heart-rate and other biometrics. The data can be sent to smartphones or tablets.

The company says the devices are being tested out on construction workers to see if the technology can prevent heatstroke in the summer.

10)   British Prime Minister Theresa May has appointed a minister for loneliness to deal with issues related to the emotion felt by elderly and other people.

May said in a statement that loneliness is the sad reality of modern life and called on everyone for help in addressing the loneliness endured by the elderly, by carers, and by those who have lost loved ones.

Government data show that more than 9 million people say they are always or often lonely. They also show about 200,000 older people have not had any conversation with a friend or relative in more than a month. Experts say loneliness poses a health risk.














Jan 13th, 2018

トランプ支持の先生は失言についてはフェイクニュースだよ。と言っていた^^ このまま収まるとは思えないけどどうだろう。

1)   A stricken Iranian oil tanker has drifted into Japan’s exclusive economic zone (EEZ), a spokesman for Japan’s Coast Guard told Reuters on Friday, as strong winds pushed the burning ship away from the Chinese coast.

2)   A newly appointed female judge on Japan’s Supreme Court has said she will use her maiden name when handing down rulings, a legal first in a country criticised for its attitudes to gender equality.

Married couples in Japan are required to have a common surname under a law that was upheld in 2015, sparking criticism from activists who complain it is sexist and outdated.

3)   Thai police said they have arrested a 74-year-old fugitive Japanese gang member who was recognized when photos of his full-body tattoos were circulated online.

A police statement said Shigeharu Shirai was arrested Wednesday in a province north of Bangkok where he has been hiding for over 10 years to evade murder charges in Japan in connection with the death of a rival gang member.

4)   Local authorities inKagawa Prefecture began culling about 92,000 chickens Thursday after the highly pathogenic H5 strain of avian influenza was detected.

The outbreak was confirmed at a poultry farm in the city of Sanuki as the chickens tested positive in genetic tests, making it the first bird flu case affecting livestock in Japan this season. The culling operation is to be completed within 24 hours.

5)   Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko will not be attending sumo’s new year tournament as the ancient sport deals with a string of deep scandals, the palace told local media Thursday.

Imperial Household Agency Grand Steward Shinichiro Yamamoto said the Japan Sumo Association had cancelled a customary invitation, issued in October, for the couple to watch the tournament later this month, citing “recent situations”.

6)   Japan’s foreign minister has urged Myanmar’s de facto leader Aung San Suu Kyi to ensure the safe and voluntary return of Rohingya Muslims who have fled violence in the country.

He said Japan will give 3 million dollars in emergency aid to Myanmar to help provide the refugees with daily commodities such as generators and water purifiers.

7)   Fishermen are worried about extremely small catches of baby eels in Japan’s Shizuoka Prefecture. It is known as the birthplace of eel farming in the country.

Local officials say the catch in December totaled only 184 grams. That’s about 0.04 percent compared to the same month in 2016.

It is the third time since 1989 that less than one kilogram was registered for December in Shizuoka.

8)   The US government has approved the sale of 4 new interceptor missiles to Japan, to counter the threat from North Korea.

US State Department officials said on Tuesday they had notified Congress of the decision. The US and Japan are jointly developing the SM-3 Block 2A missiles.

They are the successor to the SM-3 Block 1A missiles currently mounted on Japanese Self-Defense Force Aegis destroyers.

They are expected to have a much longer range and a wider capability to intercept.

9)   The Court of Arbitration for Sport, or CAS, has said 42 Russian athletes have filed appeals against Olympic bans.

The International Olympic Committee disqualified the athletes following revelations of Russia’s systematic doping during the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics. They include bobsledder Aleksandr Zubkov, who won 2 gold medals. CAS announced on Tuesday that it has registered the appeals.

10)   Sony has put its iconic pet robot dog “aibo” back on sale for the first time in 12 years.

Sony held an event at its headquarters in Tokyo on Thursday to mark the release of the updated version of the product. Five parties selected by lottery each received a new aibo.

The new version has a miniature camera and 20 sensors in its body. It walks around and wags its tail while detecting its surroundings.

The new model recognizes human faces. Its artificial intelligence analyzes images captured by its camera. Aibo shows different expressions and reactions depending on whom it faces.
















